Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Very useful blog traffic related articles by Bobby Revell

I found some great articles at a blog I just discovered, Revellian Dot Com, about making your articles search engine friendly, using SEO keywords, and how to provide traffic for others. I found these a great resource to teach me ways to increase blog traffic based on tactics I can use when writing my articles, as well as being able to help other good blogs get noticed. How cool is that? Here’s some clips to give you a taste.

Many people believe a catchy blog post title is the way to go, some think a search engine friendly article title is - which is best? I think it’s a combination of both. (note that I repeated the blog title in the previous sentence - you should do the same and use it naturally in a sentence at the start of the post). For sake of this discussion, let’s hypothesize there are two types of bloggers: Those who know how search engines work and those who do not.

You can see the rest here at “Search Engine Friendly Article Titles

I’d also recommend the article called “SEO Keywords For Beginners” that this site has made available as well.

I chose the phrase, seo keywords, and actually used it as the central motif from which to build this post. Look at the title of my post. It contains the keyword phrase, seo keywords. This is important to do. I could have named it something else and used the phrase, seo keywords, in my title tags. If you use blogger with an xml template (new blogger), you will simply need to make sure you title your post so it contains the keyword phrase.

And another article I found interesting was called “How To Provide Traffic For Others

I see so many people trying hard to earn traffic for their own blogs, it’s natural. As humans, we like attention. We want to feel important and our work has some sort of validation. Often, with this mindset, we miss out on what is truly important.
Well, I hope you enjoyed these articles as much as I did, and take the time to check out all of the other great stuff at Revellian Dot Com. You never know what you might find.

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