Sunday, January 6, 2008

Magic Chat: A Princess of a Different Kind

With a young daughter to raise I think a good deal about what things I can do to support a possitive self image that will support her physical, emotional, and even magical growth. What I saw posted on one of my lists reminded me of how much things have and will still be changing.

Wonder Woman Gets a New Voice, and It’s Female

Quote from the article...

"During a telephone interview from her home in Florence, Ore., Ms. Simone was effusive when discussing Wonder Woman. “She’s just the best kind of person,” she said. “She was a princess who didn’t need someone to rescue her. I grew up in an era — and a family — where women’s rights were very important, and the guys didn’t tend to stick around too long. She was an amazing role model.”

The thing that strikes me most about this article, is when I think back to my daughter and how she her always talks about wanting be a princess. How many of the TV/Movie princesses are helpless, in need of being rescued? Well here, my sisters, is a princess we can all be proud to have our girls emulate.

To be honest, I didn't give how fiction and media protrayed princesses much her until I saw my daughter and the other little girls playing "princess" and having the boys rescue them. Coming from a mom who "baked" both her kids on Xena, I found it really bothered me. When I heard my son (8) and my daughter (4) argueing because she kept wanting to play the princess as a "damzel in distress" and my son said he'd not play with her anymore if she kept playing the helpless princess (my son is such a wonderful feminist)

After that, I began to look over her selection of tapes more closely. I recently introduced my daughter to Princess Diana. My daughter had known Diana as Wonder Woman for a long time, but when I mentioned she was also a princess, then that was an entrily new matter to my little girl. So there's hope yet. :)

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