Thursday, December 27, 2007

Testing a theory

It's been suggested that my having multiple blogs and posting there it will atract more readers. I am not certain of the truth in this but I'm going to give it a try. I already have these three blogs, the lj I've been using reguraly...


Live Journal:

My Space blog:


and now I'm going to add one at blogspot. Any other places ya'll think are a good idea. It this crazy, or do you think this is worthwhile? I'll be making at least one post a day, and just coping them at each for now. Perhaps I will get very creative and find a special use for each. :)


Laura Brown said...

Why not just stick to one blog, which ever you find easiest to use? I just have one and get traffic there. It makes more difference if you post every day rather than spread yourself thin trying to update several sites.

I do know of another nice blogging site though, I tried it out and really liked the site but stick with Blogger cause I have been there ages.

Traffic is nice but having a few regular readers is far better.

CountryDew said...

What are you trying to do with the number of blogs? You can get plenty of traffic with one blog with good content. I agree with laura - stick with one, just link back to it from the ones you've already created. PS I love your description of yourself as an Amazon. :-)