I’ve been thinking, since I’ve got Nutrition on the mind I might share a bit with ya’ll on what I am learning about. Over several days of experimentation, this is how my experience with Juicing went.
It all started on Thursday…
I admit I hate veggies in general, but I know I have to eat more of them than I do. My other issue is when I am writing, if it’s not right there in front of me, I forget to eat all together. With the juices I can make them that morning while I get the kids to school, take my thyroid meds, and in the time it takes for me to clean up and get settle to right the juice is cooled and I am ready to work, juice in hand. Okay, that’s the theory anyways.
I could even make some the night before, but I have to wait an hour or so after I take my thyroid meds in the morning before I’m allowed to eat anything. And I need my meds even though I forget those half the time too. If I can get into a regular schedule of things, it will make all of it easier for my ADD brain.
What I’m thinking is I should start with a few simple recipes, give myself variety, but not so many I get confused. I’ve tried a few juice recipes at the local coop, so I know a few combinations I like. I’ll need some recipes for energy boost, immune boosts, etc… Any of you that are already juicing have fav recipes…and what are they best for? I’d like to get organic fruit and veggies for these, but my budget can’t really take the strain of everything being totally organic, so I’ll do the best I can. This spring I’m doing my garden and that will make things easier.
By that evening…
The first recipe they mention I’d wanted to try is carrot (4) (good for vit a,b,c & beta-carotene, and a ton of other good stuff) and asparagus (1/2 lb) (a, b1, folic), celery (4 ribs) (c, potassium, sodium), apple (2) (pectin reduces cholesterol), and (2 cups) spinach leaves (iron and everything else that is good and pure ;)).
Okay, it looked interesting (pg 47 of the Complete Idiots Guide to Juicing), so I thought might try some and see if I could get use to the taste, or even better, liked it right away. So Thursday last week I went to the store and gathered my supplies, braving the brand new Trader Joe in my area. Then I cleaned up the dusty juicer and gave it a whirl.
Okay, so I added less asparagus (1/4 of a lb maybe) and spinach (about a cup) then they asked for…it was looking soooo very green, but it’s not too bad. I’m gonna load it into the fridge and see how it is really cold.
Onto Friday……
Okay, cold it even tastes better. It’s strong, no doubt about that. I might need to fluctuate between this and something lighter. For the heck of it I’ve renamed the juice and here is my version of the recipe.
Gaia’s Garden Mix
4 carrots (cut of tops and wash)
2 celery (wash well)
10-12 asparagus spears (check for bruises)
1 cup spinach leaves (washed)
3 apples (decore)
First cut veggies and fruit into juicable pieces, send ‘em through the blades, mix well and chill overnight. Not bad at all and very healthy. Makes around 2 ½ cups.
Introducing my next experiments. I’m thinking we go more for “early morning sunny refreshment” this time and less for “packed with vitamins”. Just means I need to send the hubby for more variety of supplies to test out, but with all the snow falling in Milwaukee not sure if he can do tonight.
Later that night…
Well, we’ve finally braved the snow now that the storm is calm, and have come back with the goodies. There’s a carrot and strawberry juice that could be fun. It’s easy enough to make, you just alternate between the two through the juicer. How hard can that be? I wonder if this’d make a good slushy. Gonna experiment and see the way I like it before I write it down.
Okay, it took a bit of messing around since I lost my mind on the strawberries (I love fresh strawberries), but it’s pretty darn good. Gonna try it cold in the morning, but even warm by 4 year old loved it, and she is uber picky, hates carrots.
Willow’s Choice
6 carrots (good sized, cut off tops)
1 lb strawberries (cut off tops and bruised parts)
Mix and guard from children. If you’re making a family treat I say triple the recipe at least. :) Try mixed with soy milk or made into slushies (though it will loose some nutrients in the freezing), and tell me how it tastes. I will say this taste better fresh. Use in 24 hour or it starts to taste sour to me.
I also made a nummy looking combination that calls for carrots (3), beet (1/2), cucumber (1/2). This one looks like it might make less juice than the other did, but When I make it I’ll make the carrots and cucumber first, taste it, and then add the beets. I might even throw in a wee bit of ginger in this one too.
I found it at the Soyquick site along with several other interesting looking recipes. Also check out the cool soy and rice milk maker they have there. It looks easy to use. My b-day is coming up, time to poke the family. It should make them happy, first year I haven’t answer a question of “what do you want for you’re birthday” with an “I don’t know”
After the juice is made...
Okay, with a little taste testing, and my own changes, the juiced ended up it an interesting shade of red. They call it a purifier, I guess I’d be good for detoxing. It’s good for relaxation they say, without the beets. I might try that later. Here’s my variation.
Gentle Detox Juice
5 carrots (good sized, tops removed)
½ a small beet
1 cucumber (if you use organic no need to peel, if not, peel the waxy skin off)
It makes a little less than two cups. It’s a unique tasted, the beet are odd at first if you are not used to their flavor. The rest of the ingredients tone down the beets a lot to give you a chance to get use to them easier. I’m still struggling with the oddity of the taste myself, so this will likely be an “only when I need it” combo.
There are a few veggies that will never enter my juicer. No tomatoes, my body doesn’t seem to be able to handle nightshades any better than dairy, so no yogurt mixed in either. I hate cabbage and brussel sprouts equally, so no way on those either.
Oddly enough, Willow’s Choice (my daughter loves the name of course) is not as much to my taste cold as it is warm. Maybe I’ll be better to make it fresh and drink it right away. Other folks my feel differently, so if you decide to try it, play around.
Most of what I’ve made have carrots so I’m trying something different today. Freedom You has a brain stimulator recipe with one each of oranges, hard pears, grapefruit, apple, and yam. With the writing I have to do before the kids get up in the morning might give this one a try. Trouble is you have to go on a five day juice fast, and I don’t really drink coffee, or eat junk food, so I’m wondering how necessary the fast it. Well, at least I can try it to see if I like the taste of it anyways.
Okay, so I didn’t get the brain combo done until today, but I did finish off the beet and the strawberry mixes. I changed the recipe (you went surprised were you?) and ended up with the BEST tasting juice yet. Oh my Goddess it was soooo good even warm, all frothy and rich. I’m gonna try it cold as soon as it’s in the fridge long enough. This is not gonna last the day. I’ll make these more often. My kids liked them, especially my son.
Healthy Frothy Dessertilicious
2 orange (peel the outer skin)
2 apples (decore)
1 grapefruit (peel outer skin)
2 pears (decore)
1 yam (med sized, scrubbed)
Wow. Makes a whopping 4 cups, and you’ll need it when the kids get s taste.
Okay, one more today. One recipe at Harvest Essentials mentions juicing 3 oranges and then one cucumber. Hmmm that sounds kinda smooth. Gonna try that. They also have basic juicing prep info there that is useful.
Well, it made nearly 4 cups when I used 5 oranges and 2 cucumbers. I really do need to get organic cucumbers next time so I can see what the taste is like when I juice them peels on. This is more yellow than the last one which was a nice orange, and a bit more sour, but not bad.
There are some things I might add to my fav combos later like bee pollen (protein, a,b,c, and e, as well as magnesium and calcium), flax seed oil (omega 3 fatty acids), wheat germ (protein and fiber), and perhaps even some soy protein.
Well, that’s it for my juicing diary, but I will continue trying new things and juicing everyday. If I find a new recipe (or create one) that I’d like to share, you’ll see it here first. I’ll leave you with a few other recipes I found in case you want to experiment too.
This one at Health Recipes mentions ginger, apples, peaches, and pears which might be interesting, but they have great nutritional info here too. Juicing Basics also has some useful info as well. I’m not sure the complete recipes work for me there, but it’s given me ideas or combos to play with just for fun.
In the end, if I do at least 16 oz of juicing a day, I’m still getting more fruits and veggies than I was before anyways. It all adds up. It just means more regular trips for fresh produce at the store since it’s winter here. Summertime will be fun, lots of farm fresh veggies at the farmer’s markets.
I figure the transition is like this...
I eat better I have more energy
I have more energy; I get the house in order
I get the house in order; I have room and the extra emotional energy to exercise
I exercise and I loose enough girth to get back down to a healthy weight, which in turn gives me more energy.
In the end I’ll maybe find recipes I like to make and eat, and perhaps set a good example for my kids and get them to eat healthier too.
I’m off to drink a glass from the second batch of Gaia’s Garden that’s chilling in the fridge and see how the Healthy Frothy Dessertilicious slushie turned out. See ya’ll later.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Moon’s Winter Medicine Chest
Some of you might ask, what do herbal remedies do with magic, well if you make them yourself, your magic and intention go into every bit of the work. The tincure and infusions I create for myself or those I care for are filled with my own healing energies as well as that of the wonderful herbs I use. The knowledge of these plant and the gree magic that goes with them has been held by our ancesters for countless time. The use of them to keep us healthy is our birthrite.
Okay, in the season of colds and flus, there are a few things I’d never be without if I can help it. Some of them I keep for the other member of my family more than myself ‘cause I have pain in the hinny allergies. Now I admit, some of these we are a wee bit low on currently, budget issues and the reality of having to replace many herbs yearly, but this is what I recommend to have if you can manage it.
Echinacea Tincture – Immune Booster for infection
Echinacea and Yarrow Tincture
Sore Throats
Low Energy
Healing Wise: Superb herbal in the feminine-intuitive mode. Complete instructions for using common plants for food, beauty, medicine, and longevity.
Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way: The best book on menopause is now better. Completely revised with 100 new pages. All the remedies women know and trust plus hundreds of new ones. New sections on thyroid health, fibromyalgia, hairy problems, male menopause, and herbs for women taking hormones. Recommended by Susan Love MD and Christiane Northrup MD.
Breast Cancer? Breast Health!: Foods, exercises, and attitudes to keep your breasts healthy. Supportive complimentary medicines to ease side-effects of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or tamoxifen. Foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Okay, in the season of colds and flus, there are a few things I’d never be without if I can help it. Some of them I keep for the other member of my family more than myself ‘cause I have pain in the hinny allergies. Now I admit, some of these we are a wee bit low on currently, budget issues and the reality of having to replace many herbs yearly, but this is what I recommend to have if you can manage it.
If the symptoms are really bad, or last for several days, don’t screw around, see a doctor! Your heath is not something to play with. Also be careful to check with your doc before messing with any sort of treatment especially if you are already on meds.
Echinacea Tincture – Immune Booster for infection
This is kinda obvious. It kicks up your immune system when used every one in awhile, like an antibiotic. Now this is not something you can use everyday, but if you have a major bacterial infection, this’ll help a lot.
You can buy it premade at a health food store or make your own. To make your own clean and chop up fresh Echinacea root, enough to fill ¾ of a jar, then add 100 proof alcohol to fill the jar the rest of the way. Label! Shake daily for about six weeks at least (if you use dried roots make that 6 months), but you do it longer if you want it really strong. Then strain the liquid from the used root. Store it in a dark colored glad container away from light.
If your tincture is store bought follow the instruction on the bottle. If homemade, I normally use 40-50 drops for myself, up to 5 times daily to fight an infection. I never use the homemade stuff on my kids. There’s a glycerin version you can get for the little ones, but I’d much rather they eat more garlic or something. This stuff can be too strong.
Echinacea and Yarrow Tincture
Susan Weed suggests the use of Echinacea or Yarrow Tincture for fevers. The dose is 1 drop Echinacea for every 2 pounds of body weight; taken every two hours to begin, decreasing as symptoms remiss, or a dropper of Yarrow tincture every four hours.
Incase you want to make a yarrow tincture, here’s what you do. For yarrow you use the flower tops of the white flowers only. You cut them up (after shaking off any bugs) and fill a jar (do NOT stuff) with the herb. Fill the jar to the top with 100 proof alcohol and cap. Label! Important part. Should be ready in 6 weeks.
Sore Throats
Gargle with a Yarrow tincture; see above for instructions how to make the tincture.
Other Immune Boosters – Preventive
If you want something daily, Susan Weed suggests Yarrow tincture (she says to prevent colds she uses Yarrow tincture 5-10 drops daily; to treat them, she suggests still using Yarrow, but in larger quantity, say a dropperful every 3-4 hours at the worst of the cold and tapering off over time.) , or adding more seaweed and garlic to your diet. I don’t think I can take Yarrow because of allergies, so be careful with that one if you have plant based allergies too. She also suggests daily does of astragalus, but I’m not as familiar with that. Have any of you used this before?
Peppermint and Elder Flower Infusion
I swear by this for a cold. I use equal parts of each herb and store it away from the light. This is not the same thing as a tea. To make my infusions I take and ounce of hero to a quart of boiled water and steep for 6-10 hours. You can keep it in the fridge after it’s done to keep fresh for up to 36 hours, but I normally use a quart in a day. My fav way is to make it before I go to bed so it’s ready for the next day. This you use dried herb for instead of fresh.
St. Joan's Wort tincture
This is easy to make. You use the yellow flowers fresh, best picked in the heat of the day, and fill the jar with the blossoms and leaves. Shake free bugs first and do not stuff the jar. Fill the jar to the top with 100 proof alcohol and cap tightly. Label! The tincture will turned a really cool looking red. Let this set for 6 weeks.
To use St. Joan's Wort tincture, the dose is 25 drops of every two hours to treat a cold or a viral infection.
Wild Cherry and Slippery Elm Bark Cough Syrup
To make this, place an ounce of cherry bark and slippery elm in a quart jar and fill it with boiling water. Close the lid and let it steep for 8-10 hours. Using cheesecloth, stain out the liquid, squeezing the cloth to get all you can. Measure what liquid you now have and then add it to a glass saucepan (metal is no good for this, though ceramic is okay). Bring this too a boil and then lower the heat to a simmer.
Cook it for several hours, until the volume of the infusion is reduced by half (should be about 2 cups). Do not let it burn, or boil hard, or it will be ruined. Add 1 ½ cups honey to the infusion and bring to a rolling boil. Pour into jar (Sterilize the jar by boiling it in plain water for a few minutes just before filling it.) while it is still hot. You can add a bit of vodka to preserve the syrup longer if you want, but I never do. Once the syrup is room temp, label it and cap for storage (in cool place or fridge is best).
To use, take 1-3 teaspoonfuls as needed, as often as every hour. This syrup is bitter so take right before eating food.
Wormwood Tincture
To make a Wormwood tincture you cut up the fresh leaves gathered in the late summer or early fall (they are mature then), and fill a jar (remember don’t stuff). Cover the herb with 100 proof alcohol up to the top of the jar and cap. Always label your jars once they are clean and free of moisture.
For diarrhea take 3 drops Wormwood hourly for up to four hours. You can use this also for acid indigestion, 5-10 drops in that case every ten minutes until the discomfort passes. Same thing for gut cramping in general.
Dandelion Tincture and Peppermint Infusion
If you want to prevent heartburn, Dandelion tincture is great. Take a dose right before meals. I also swear by drinking peppermint Infusion with meals. I have intestinal sensitivities, and the peppermint has always done the trick. If you prefer the taste, ginger works well too, as does dill, but personally give me my peppermint.
Low Energy
Dandelion Tincture or Ginseng Tincture
Chop the fresh dandelion or Ginseng root into small pieces and fill a jar to the top with the chopped root. With 100 proof alcohol, fill jar to the top and cap tightly. Label. Ready to use in six weeks.
To use: 10 drops of Dandelion or Ginseng tincture in the morning.
Skullcap and St Johns Wort Tincture
To make the skullcap (the St John instruction are above), pick the flowering tops when there are seeds as well as flowers. Fill, don't stuff, a jar with the blossoms and leaves. Fill jar to the top with alcohol. Cap tightly. Label. Ready to use in six weeks.
To use, take 25 drops St Joan's plus 3-5 drops Skullcap every 10-15 minutes for up to two hours. 5 drops of Skullcap may prevent some headaches.
If you are really serious about this work get as many of Susan Weed’s books as you can. I cannot stress this enough. She has many, and all are a GREAT resource. Here are my favs.

Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year: Simple, safe remedies for pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and newborns. Includes herbs for fertility and birth control.



If you want to order herbs, the best place I’ve found is Mountain Rose Herbs. They are women owned and have great ethic business practices, not to mention their prices are fair.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Author's Spotlight Special Event "Best QGT interviews of 2007"
Since I never heard back from this week’s author for her spotlight, I thought it might be fun to share some really great interviews I’ve read this year. Since I joined Queer Girl Talk, I’ve seen some wonderful work done there by Deven, and I’d like to share some of 2007’s personal faves. Come check out the Author's Spotlight Special Event "Best QGT interviews of 2007"
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday Freeform "Australia Dreaming"

Instead of doing my weekly Friday Flashback, I've decided to go for a Friday Freeform called Australia Dreaming. So many people were talking about traveling lately, I thought I might find some pics of one of the places I've dreamed up seeing for a long time. I don't know if I can ever afford it, but not giving up on the dream quite yet.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
I'm a one meme lass. :)
I've heard all kinds of meme's around, but I've had so much fun doing the Thursday Thirteen meme. This week was #16 for me, and that's with a couple weeks off. Now I am ready to comit to every week. This week is "Thirteen of the Author’s Favorite Quotes from Natural Order”. If you want to know what that is take a peek.
Testing a theory
It's been suggested that my having multiple blogs and posting there it will atract more readers. I am not certain of the truth in this but I'm going to give it a try. I already have these three blogs, the lj I've been using reguraly...
Live Journal: http://moondancerdrake.livejournal.com/
My Space blog: http://blog.myspace.com/moondancerdrake
Wordpress: http://moondancer.wordpress.com/
and now I'm going to add one at blogspot. Any other places ya'll think are a good idea. It this crazy, or do you think this is worthwhile? I'll be making at least one post a day, and just coping them at each for now. Perhaps I will get very creative and find a special use for each. :)
Live Journal: http://moondancerdrake.livejournal.com/
My Space blog: http://blog.myspace.com/moondancerdrake
Wordpress: http://moondancer.wordpress.com/
and now I'm going to add one at blogspot. Any other places ya'll think are a good idea. It this crazy, or do you think this is worthwhile? I'll be making at least one post a day, and just coping them at each for now. Perhaps I will get very creative and find a special use for each. :)
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